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Building a Pollinator Garden: From Lawn to Blooming Exuberance with Sharon Collman

  • Online Zoom Class United States (map)

This class includes a lively look at the steps in making a pollinator garden. Beginning with a pathetic lawn, garden eating conifers and sheared boxwoods, and ending with terraced beds for flowering trees, shrubs and perennials. I'll cover a bit of floral biology, how plants entice pollinators, a selection of pollinator portraits and nest requirements, and end with the flowers to attract them. The garden has a few water quality benefits to reduce stormwater runoff and keep the water on site. Mostly it will be a garden to enjoy the activities of bird, bees, butterflies, flies and beetles with a "beverage of choice”.

Sharon Collman was one of the founding members of the WSU Master Gardener Program in 1973. She has taught classes on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), plant problem diagnosis, insect identification and appreciation and beneficial insects in the landscape, throughout the Pacific Northwest and in Canada and England. She has authored over 75 publications and received numerous awards for her educational programs. Sharon is building a Bugs and Blights website at

Register below. A link will be sent one day before the class and the class will be recorded and available for two weeks after.