Online donations
Thank you for choosing to donate to the Evergreen Arboretum. Please choose the fund you want from the list below. We appreciate your support.
General Fund
Choose this fund to support our educational outreach and events for families such as SummerFest and Wintertide Lights. This fund allows us to use funds where needed.
Special projects fund
Choose this fund to support our garden outreach and renovation. The Backyard Garden Renovation is our current fundraising project, to honor our 60th anniversary in 2023. Your donation will go toward upgrading the Backyard Garden’s infrastructure, including creating walkways and new planting beds, with a stunning concrete sitting area. Your contribution, no matter how big or small will make a difference in transforming this garden into a natural sanctuary within the Arboretum.
Conceptual Design for the Backyard Garden Renovation
endowment Fund
Choose this fund to help us save for larger projects and provide organizational stability during economically challenging times. This fund also enables us to accept larger gifts from donors. Your gift to the Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens Endowment is an investment in the Arboretum's future.
The Arboretum board has established the Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation of Snohomish County. The Foundation responsibly invests our funds to ensure growth and stability.